
Friday, January 20, 2023

self adornment


I fucking love getting dressed up

We are having a financial crisis 2008 escapism david guetta indie sleaze swag era scene kid pre finals catharsis bash. I started getting ready about 4 hours before the party was set to start, and it didnt take long before I started to look like the colorful creature i am inside. Getting ready, layering on bangles and necklaces, eyeshadow, tights, shorts, ripping and cutting my shirt, i was creating something. 

It was me, but it was also something I was adding to myself, so it was apart from me. but once i put it on, i felt whole. now i've been haunting around the home, begging for compliments from the roommates and doom scrolling. i'm nervous that it's going to get too rowdy tonight, and things are tense with * because we couldnt get the stripper pole to fit in any room, and i couldn't find fake money anywhere in this damn city, and our goddamn speaker doesn't have the right cable. cursing IT indefinitely for effing us over in that way.

Wellll it's over a month later, and let me tell you that night was insane. It was a smash hit, of course, the house was full, everyone looked good and had a good time. I got too lit and passed out for a couple hours mid party, and miraculously was able to get back up and rejoin the fray. And thank god I did, because as my last guests were leaving, I witnessed my parked car get totaled!! sooooo awesome. 

Still drunk, I ran after that cursed red suburu, she veered off into the night and some sort of guardian angel walked across the street cuz he had written down the license plate. After watching a sketchy car assess mine and circle the block to come back several times, the police came, and we chatted with them, me still in my skimpy-fab attire. 

The next morning the cop emailed me to let me know that they had found and arrested the driver for a DUI and a hit and run. I got binck towed off the street where it was majorly in the way to the driveway, then later to a shop. And then, the next week, as I was writing a final paper in a coffee shop on my street, I realized that the woman on the phone sitting next to me was in fact the one who had hit my car and screwed me over. 

She was talking to insurance and giving details that perfectly matched the scene of the crime. 

"Ya, it's a red subaru, damage on the front passenger side, I have had trouble finding a shop to tow it to, they're all full right now..." Ya, tell me about it!!! 

And so I confronted her, because the opportunity was just too good to pass up. She felt so bad, but who wouldn't?? She said that she was sorry so many times, and that it "Wasn't like her" to do something like that. Um,,... is it "like anybody" to get a DUI and a hit and run?? Work on yourself cuz you're clearly going through something!!

Anyways, now its over a month later and I think my car is totaled, insurance is still working on it. And now I love public transpo. And I miss Binck, but no one got hurt and that's the most important thing

Party hard!!! Don't drink and drive 

xx Kate

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