Thursday, March 14, 2024

A sober possum is a social asset!

Have you heard of MEPearl? I think you should hear what she has to say...

Here is her website, you should look at it :

In high school me, Abe, Zoe, and Prahalad crafted a really elaborate and long and weird comment for the Q & A life advice style column on the website. This is what we wrote, and what She responded with. We chose the name MAURICE for some reason. 

Reading this now, I am honestly so inspired still by what She said. She has so much wisdom. And responds really thoughtfully to each question. I bet it would make her day if we all left questions for her to ponder. 

She also has an insane and beautiful youtube chanel :

She posts so frequently it's inspiring (like it's Blog Post Wednesday everyday!!)

This is a good and funny compilation video of Ms. MEPearl the All Knowing

I aspire to have this kind of digital footprint in 40 yeaars.

Ciao bellas


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